One of the challenges in today’s busy world is finding the time and taking the time to relax your body and mind.  One of the methods is through meditation, but what happens when you meditate and you don’t know if you doing that right?  You have all those thoughts running through your brain that often are hard to silence and let you relax. Solution? Muse, the brain sensing headband was created to help us meditate easy and experience all the benefits of meditation and relaxation. The headband equipped with sensors can sensed the EEG brain activity and connects to a smart phone app via Bluetooth.  The app not only has the guided relaxation sounds, but also has a tracking screen so you can see your progress.

Getting in to a relaxed state is not as easy as it sounds, based on a study by the psychologists at Harvard University.  Most people spend 47% of their day thinking about something other than they are currently doing. That is also the case for people who mediate or try to relax.  The Muse headband helps train you in 3 minute sessions, to control your stress and tension and move to a productive meditation.

With device like Muse you visualize with your audio representation what is happening in your mind with the weather metaphor.   So if you have Muse headband on you and you occupied with many thoughts it would sound stormy and windy. Muse will help you calm and find peace by breathing exercise and focus exercise. The app has graphs of the progress and stress in the current session and allows you to track prior sessions.  This tracking allow you to train yourself to have a productive relaxation and meditation session which will bring increased focus on activities and tasks following the session.