Storage Visions 2016

Storage Visions 2016

Content matters more and more as there are more tools for people to capture it, make it useful and share with others – stated Tom Coughlin at Storage Visions Conference 2016 that took place January 4-5 at Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. Two days conference was offering the insights into the storage industry.

As the highlights of the passing year Coughlin mentioned lots of mergers and acquisitions that took place: as such Dell buying EMC, WD buying SanDisk, NetApp buying SolidFire. 2015 was a year of emergence of NVMe specification and work on NVMe optimization programming. Samsung introduced 3rd generation 3D NAND SSDs as well as all the other FLASH companies. Intel/Micron announced 3D Xpoint.

What to expect in 2016 and beyond? Definitely Panoramic Video and VR along with IoT will drive content growth in the next years. Here are the numbers that were presented to support this statement.






As the summary for years ahead we will see: continued consolidation in the storage industry, storage capacity growth with IoT, Big Data and more, mobile consumers get more storage as flash price goes down, demand goes up, greater movement of content to the cloud, more software defined storage services, HDD shift to capacity continues (12TB in 2016?), shift to 3D flash with majority of production by 2018.

Wikipedia and Wikia

Wikipedia and Wikia

Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, dreamt about a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. In 2001, he founded Wikipedia, making that dream a reality. Today, Wikipedia is the seventh most visited website in the world. There are 500 million unique visitors every month visiting the site from every country in the world. Wikipedia contains nearly 5 million articles, that is being added to at the rate of 750 articles every day.

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is written by thousands of volunteers, and has content in 288 languages. Key statistics for the site are: 8 languages that have over 1,000,000 entries; 46 languages have at least 100,000 entries; 120 languages have at least 10,000 entries and 223 languages have at least 1,000 entries. For Wikipedia, “free” means not just only no cost for the readers or contributors, but also freedom of speech. Everyone can copy, modify, and redistribute the content, both commercially and for private use.

In 2004 Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley Starling announced the creation of their next project named Wikia. Wikia follows the same success model of Wikipedia. Wikia is a free web hosting service for wikis. The site is free of charge and derives its income from advertising. It publishes all user-provided text under copyleft licenses ( . Today Wikia has more than 136 million readers every month and is written in 200 language.

Jimmy Wales dream about “the sum” of all human knowledge came true twice, due to his perseverance and his decision on sharing the vision of his dream with others.