Trusted Computing Group’s view on SEDs
January, 2016, Storage Visions - Mark Schiller is Executive Director of Trusted Computing Group, which provides security standards to the computing industry. The group is a collection of over 100 partners that include commercial companies, government participation, academia and experts in the field of security and privacy. Schiller covered the challenges facing security and protection of stored content, and shared his view on SEDs (Self Encrypting Drives). Why Self-Encrypting Drives? There are world-wide financial and legal...

Self Encrypting Drives are becoming universal
January, Storage Visions - Michael Willett from Bright Plaza moderated the Storage Vision’s panel discussion about security and protection. He stated that the idea of encryption being built into the hardware is becoming universal. There are many benefits leaning on the concept of Hardware-based Self-Encryption being a better option over Software-based Encryption. First is the transparency and easy management. SEDs (Self Encrypting Drives) come from the factory with an encryption key already generated so there is no encrypting key...

Storage Visions 2016
Content matters more and more as there are more tools for people to capture it, make it useful and share with others – stated Tom Coughlin at Storage Visions Conference 2016 that took place January 4-5 at Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. Two days conference was offering the insights into the storage industry. As the highlights of the passing year Coughlin mentioned lots of mergers and acquisitions that took place: as such Dell buying EMC, WD buying SanDisk, NetApp buying SolidFire. 2015 was a year of emergence of NVMe specification and...

Wikipedia and Wikia
Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, dreamt about a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. In 2001, he founded Wikipedia, making that dream a reality. Today, Wikipedia is the seventh most visited website in the world. There are 500 million unique visitors every month visiting the site from every country in the world. Wikipedia contains nearly 5 million articles, that is being added to at the rate of 750 articles every day. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is...